Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior of all mankind was born of a virgin mother on this mortal earth to fulfill all righteousness and atone for our sins making it possible for everyone who believes in him to live for eternity with God the father. With his meek and humble disposition he went about teaching the gospel of love with his 12 apostles to all that would listen. As the perfect example and a master teacher he confounded the wise using eloquent parables and specifically emphasized the importance of having faith, repenting, and being baptized that we might be saved. He suffered for our sins in Gethsemane and overcame all physical death by resurrection.
Hmmm… now let’s see. Am I missing anything? (head scratch). Oh! That’s right, Jesus forgot to mention anything at all about learning the secret handshakes and passwords that we need to know to get into heaven. Damn! Now how did he forget that?
The utmost pinnacle of importance to Mormonism is the endowment or secret handshakes and passwords. Without this essential ritual one can NOT enter into heaven. And yet, Jesus Christ forgot to even hint towards anything of the sorts during his entire ministry. In fact, I don't recall any unambiguous chapter or verse that clearly outlines the procedure in the Bible. An omnibenevolent God can't expect us to follow the most critically important ritual for heaven admittance if there are not even clues to any of these teachings.
So, where do the Mormons receive this teaching if not from Jesus Christ? The founder, Joseph Smith, revealed the ritual a short 7 weeks after he was initiated into the Masonic fraternity. Not a religion, but a fraternity with secret handshakes and passwords founded by stone tradesmen in medieval Europe. But don't worry, the handshakes and passwords aren't entirely the same. The Mormon religion decided to change their ritual in 1990 to remove any references to blood oaths because people thought that was a bit weird. It's ok, however, if you received your endowment by learning the old school version of the ritual because it's only "symbolic". Even though Mormons currently have to be physically present and do the correct handshake or it doesn't count, it's not super important if they do the exactly correct handshake because it's mostly "symbolic".
Fortunately, Mormonism has provided a way for the billions of people who never learned the secrets of the Masonic fraternity to be saved in heaven through proxy work. Even the people who in-person keenly and hopefully listened to every word that Jesus spoke and followed his teaching with exact obedience because, Jesus forgot to mention anything about it. See! Mormonism has made it possible for everyone to be saved! I mean, yeah, it was nice that Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior of all mankind suffered the atonement, BUT if it wasn't for the average and imperfect Joe Schmo Mormon who goes to the temple and does some secret Masonic handshakes and passwords, their repentant asses would burn in hell for eternity. And even though the ritual is only symbolic and it doesn't really matter the exactness of the handshake and God could probably just accept a promise from those in the spirit world who wanted to be endowed, the Mormons have to physically attend the temple and perform billions of secret handshakes to be the saviors... er... I mean, to save all those who were never initiated... oops, I mean "endowed".
Enough sarcasm. The temple endowment is laughable fraud and proxy work is a blasphemy to the savior Jesus Christ. Having been one, I can positively say that Mormons are brainwashed.
At one time I genuinely believe the ritual was of God. Being completely ignorant or stubbornly blind to the truth and being committed to a fraud is delusion and the definition of being brainwashed. Thank logic I found the truth.