Wade Robins
Author. ExMormon Atheist. Skeptical Scientist.
I was born and raised in Utah. As per the typical Utah family my two sisters, two brothers, and myself grew up in a devout Mormon household. I was baptized at 8, received the priesthood, studied the Book of Mormon, entered into the temple endowment at 18, served a full 2 year mission in Bulgaria, got married in the Salt Lake Temple, and stayed meticulously faithful to my religious covenants - I was the typical cookie cutter true believing Mormon.
During 2017 I felt my relationship with God was fading and I desired to strengthen my testimony and understand God more personally. I dove head first into religious study, faithful prayer, and intensive research. I had many questions about the nature of God and the fundamentals of my religion; I needed to know the answers with reasonable certainty. This journey lead me to the scientifically verifiable truth of Atheism.
At the beginning of 2018, I felt the desire to share my experience of deconversion and inform others of my research. Thus was born a weekly post series - Sacrilegious Sabbath. I elected for Facebook as my platform for sharing because I was mostly concerned with my closest friends. Now I’d like to extend my joy in Atheism beyond my small circle and help others who might be struggling with theology so I created this site.
Hope you enjoy Sacrilegious Sabbath