Prophets throughout history from various religions have prophesied what will surely come to pass. Researching these historic prophecies reveal that many supposed prophets were not as inspired as they claimed to be. It’s almost as if these “prophets” were just making shit up. I could dedicate an entire article to failed prophecies, but that is not my focus here.
Isaac Asimov was a professor of biochemistry, a popular writer of science fiction, an atheist, and certainly not a proclaimed prophet. 35 years ago Dr. Asimov made some predictions of what the world would be like in the year 2019. Based on his research and scientific background he made a number of accurate predictions with the only exception being his idea of colonizing the Moon.
As a mechanical engineer, blasphemous blogger, atheist, and certainly not a prophet, I would like to share my predictions of what the world will be like in the year 2054. I do this for a couple reasons, to show that I’m more inspired than supposed prophets, and as a kind of reflective time-capsule of sorts. When I’m 66 years old I’ll be able to look back on this article and compare it to the present day. Hello future Wade, hope my predictions weren’t too far off.
First and foremost I know with confident certainty that Jesus Christ will not return, nor will he ever return. When it comes to religious demographics, research currently shows that the fastest growing faith is non-faith. Whether they be atheists, agnostics, or apathetics, we see that more people are letting go of god. I predict that this decline in faith will not be a linear trend, but rather an exponential transition. In 2054 the non-religious will represent the majority. Mormon missionary effectiveness has been declining and I predict that number will drop below 1 convert per 10 missionaries. In 35 years time I’m confident that Mormon membership will be dwindling with mostly old stubborn people and the Church will publicly be viewed as the cult that it is.
Reflecting on the past and present helps to extrapolate into the future. We’ve seen a steady increase in the cost of living while wages fall short of matching the pace. The wage gap will increase with more super billionaires and a struggling middle and lower class. In the future I think there will be a tipping point or economic bubble collapse, though I’m not sure when or what will be the outcome. Strikes, riots, and unemployment is likely, but whether or not new governing laws are developed to address the issue have me doubtful.
Artificial Intelligence will undoubtedly surpass our imagination and be capable of 1,000 times the analytical capacity of human intelligence. However, I don’t expect AI will surpass the creative side of the mind. No need to worry about a terminator uprising as programs will be designed to follow our will and the complex cognitive self-aware consciousness required to overcome the programming is implausible. The increase in AI and automation will decrease the 40 hour work week. Space tourism will be a common technology and accessible to those who are fairly well off. A manned-mission to Mars will signify a memorable landmark. Transportation in 2054 will be as different as horse-n-buggy to automobiles. Self driving vehicles will be common, electric or alternative fuel cars will be the majority, rocket travel will take the place of those pesky long flights over the oceans, and a few personal flying vehicles will be in use. Medical advancements will heal the blind, deaf, and paralyzed in a miraculous way that Jesus never was.
Research shows that the two parties have trended to be more divided and disagreeable. I don’t imagine there will be much compromise, but rather more conflict and stubbornness due in part to identity protection cognition. As the majority of the population will be non-religious I think the liberal left will have an upper hand considering that the unfaithful typically gravitate towards the left. I really hope that humans resorting to killing other humans to win an argument will be a stain in our history books. There will still be minor military violence, but the increasingly more intelligent nations will opt for civil conversation to resolve disagreements.
There will undoubtedly be significant technological breakthroughs with renewable energy sources greatly reducing greenhouse gases. TerraPower nuclear plants, which produce little to no waste, will dot the nation. Solar will cover the majority of suburban roofs. Solar updraft towers may be considered a more viable option. Also, energy consuming products will continue to be more efficient. Carbon sequestration plants will be in operation in big cities. The majority of people will be vegan, vegetarian, or minimal meat eaters thus reducing methane gas and strenuous resource use. And yet, all these efforts and innovations will only be implemented after irreversible damage scars the Earth. Coastal cities will be abandoned, species will go extinct, and forests will be lost.
History teaches that slavery was once considered acceptable, women should not be able to vote, and same-sex marriage was illegal. Humanity has made great improvements on learning what’s right from wrong and we’ll continue to look back on the history of our present being ashamed of society's past morals. Recreational and medical cannabis will be legal throughout the world. Many places will have also legalized other drugs like psychedelic mushrooms. The meat production industry will be considered inhumane and unsustainable and our diets will reflect that. Those who live a lifestyle of excessive carbon emissions will be looked down upon. Abortion will be as common and acceptable as a flu shot. We may even come to a point of viewing those with large families as shameful contributors to overpopulation and child-rearing might be regulated. Pornography will not be judged as immoral, but consensual between adults. Corrupt politicians and greedy CEO’s will be viewed with utmost disdain.
Now I can’t say for certain how likely each of these predictions will be, but I absolutely know I’m more accurate than any prophet who claims to receive revelation from a god. Overall I’m optimistic and hopeful for progression to a better and more secular future. As a 66 year old man I hope to look back on a life well lived in a more improved way.
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